Kyle's pages.
Principle of Volatile Keyword in Java
Low-level Principle
// instance is volatile variable
instance = new Singleton();
convert to assembly language:
0x01a3de1d: movb $0×0,0×1104800(%esi);
0x01a3de24: lock add1 $0×0,(%esp)
If a variable is declared to be volatile, process would execute lock
command after movb
when the varieble is written.
would do these two things in multi-core cpu:
Write the cache line of the current processor back to system memory
This operation of writing back to memory will invalidate the data cached at other cores of cpu.
Memory Semantics
When reading a valatile variable, JMM will invalidate the local memory corresponding to the thread. The thread will next read the shared variable from the memory.
Visibility: A read of a volatile variable always sees (any thread) the last write to the volatile variable.
Atomicity: The read/write of any single volatile variable is atomic, but compound operations like volatile++ are not atomic.
Atomicity in Compound Operations
Such as n ++
and n = n + 1
public class Test {
public volatile int inc = 0;
public void increase() {
inc++; //compound operations
public static void main(String[] args) {
final Test test = new Test();
for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
new Thread(){
public void run() {
for(int j=0;j<1000;j++)
If variable inc is atomic, the result would be 10000. But in fact it is less than 10000.
There is a situation:
The inc value in memory is 10. In the inc ++ operation of thread 1, the original value of inc is read first. At this time, thread 1 is blocked, and then thread 2 performs inc ++ operation on the variable, and at this time thread 1 has not yet been written, so inc is still reading the main memory at this time, so it is still 10 (it should be 11).